Posted on: 9/12/2022A Message from Mr MortonIt has been a delightful term here at Buckland St Mary C of E Primary School. The children have been engaged in lots of amazing activities and celebrations that have enriched our lives and lifted our spirits. Our art exhibition was a triumph and all of the fantastic art that was created demonstrated the talents of our children and their ability to see the world through a variety of lenses. The artwork and poetry created for our Remembrance Service tastefully celebrated the lives of those who gave so much for us and adorned our monument until they faded into the earth. On Wednesday this week Callum P, Emily T and Poppy G represented our school at the first Trust Public Speaking Competition. The topic was 'Can children make a difference to our environment?'. The team has been working for the last few weeks to formulate their presentation and then to practise public speaking. They represented our school with confidence and articulated their points like professionals. They spoke passionately about how children can make a difference and should always challenge what they know to be wrong or that can be done better. We are very proud of them. Thank you to all those who were able to join us for our 'Carols by candlelight' gathering on the playground this week. The children were heartwarming and the brass band made it even more christmassy than one would think possible (cheesy Christmas jokes aside!). A great night was had by all. Followed by a delightful Christingle service in our beautiful church the next morning. What a talented bunch of musicians we have at our school. Have a wonderful break and a joyful celebration. We look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 4th January 2023. Steve Morton Executive Head of SchoolCategories: 1 CategorySchool News
Posted on: 11/11/2022A Message from Mr MortonWelcome back everyone. We hope that you had a delightful break. As always, our children have returned with a spring in their step and an enthusiasm to learn. What more can we ask of them? It was lovely to share all of the children’s progress with you during our parents’ evenings and what a delight to actually do them in person. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our art gallery evening last week. We are planning to display much of the children’s framed artworks in the school hall, once we can find a ladder tall enough and someone brave enough to climb it! The change of season into autumn brings a need for waterproof jackets, wellies, scarves and the start of the festive season. I can almost hear the rustle of tinsel on the angel costumes. We look forward to welcoming you into school to join us for many festive celebrations over the coming months and share a carol and mince pie or 2! Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
Posted on: 30/09/2022A Message from Mr MortonA warm and slightly rainy welcome back to school everyone. We hope that you have had a wonderful summer break filled with adventures and the occasional ice cream! Term is off to a great start and the children have settled into their new year groups and classes really well. The hum of learning language and the energy that is permeating throughout our whole school is electrifying. It is a treat to visit the classes and chat to the children about their learning and how well they can apply this to the wider world. Please keep an eye on our ‘Dates for the diary’ list that has been shared with you all as we have many exciting events that the children are participating in and many that we would love you to join us for. I look forward to catching up with you on the playground soon. Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
Posted on: 9/09/2022Queen Elizabeth IIWe are very sad to hear the news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II today. Our thoughts are with her family at this time. The Queen was an example to us all of public service, honour and dignity. Following the death of Her Majesty The Queen, The Redstart Learning Partnership and its 10 schools, at the expressed wish of His Majesty The King, will follow a period of Royal Mourning to be observed from now until the Queen's funeral (the funeral date to be confirmed). Mrs Suzanne Flack, CEO of The Redstart Learning Partnership (TRLP) will leave a floral tribute at the gates of Buckingham Palace on behalf of TRLP. Our schools will not be following any particular behaviours during this period however, there may be a number of changes to our planned events and communications. Schools will remain open and normal attendance will be expected. Special activities, assemblies and lessons may be adapted to reflect the period of national mourning. Books of condolence will be open at a number of our schools to commemorate the life of Her Majesty. May Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace and rise in glory.Categories: 1 CategorySchool News