Posted on: 30/04/2021A message from Mr NationLife is certainly beginning to feel a little more ‘normal’ in school. Clubs are now up and running, Forest School and Premier Sports are in full flow and the school is buzzing with energy and excitement (as well as the sound of drumming!). Through assemblies, we’ve been focusing on our School Vision, ‘That they may have life, life in all its fullness’ as well as ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’. As a team, we are passionate about supporting the children to understand the importance of acceptance and have been discussing how we feel ‘safe’ around those who are similar to us. We’ve paid particular attention to accepting those who may look, speak, behave or sound different to us. Please help your child to understand the meaning of the words ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’. There is an activity on Google Classroom for your child/children to complete. I look forward to seeing their work. We are continuing to ensure the children understand the importance of reading and that it is key to accessing everything in the world. You can support your child by letting them read to you at least 4 times per week and by reading to them. Finally, Rev. Jim very kindly joined the teachers for a Staff Meeting this week. The team has devised a list of actions that we will implement over the forthcoming weeks to maintain and improve our links with the church and to help us further embed our vision. Categories: 1 CategorySchool News