Latest News- A Message from Mrs Staniland

Posted on: November 11th 2022

A Message from Mr Morton

Welcome back everyone. We hope that you had a delightful break. As always, our children have returned with a spring in their step and an enthusiasm to learn. What more can we ask of them? It was lovely to share all of the children’s progress with you during our parents’ evenings and what a delight to actually do them in person. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our art gallery evening last week. We are planning to display much of the children’s framed artworks in the school hall, once we can find a ladder tall enough and someone brave enough to climb it! 

The change of season into autumn brings a need for waterproof jackets, wellies, scarves and the start of the festive season. I can almost hear the rustle of tinsel on the angel costumes. We look forward to welcoming you into school to join us for many festive celebrations over the coming months and share a carol and mince pie or 2!


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A Message from Mrs Staniland Posted on: 8/12/2023

A Message from Mrs Staniland

Where has the term gone? I can’t quite believe it is December already and what a month we have had!  It has been fantastic to hear how hard the children have been working practising their songs for the Carols by Candlelight. We were so thankful that we were able to go ahead with this wonderful event despite the weather's efforts to the contrary! A big thank you goes to Sephi and Somerset Music for her wonderful work with the children in preparation for this (with her three month old twins in tow on the night of the performance too!), the Stoke band for their wonderful music, the teachers and staff for all their additional preparation and rehearsals and to FoBs for the delicious refreshments - it certainly made us all feel full of the festive spirit.  Following this Christmas theme - I was delighted to experience my first Buckland St Mary Christingle service this week. The highlight for me was when the children were singing with the lights dimmed and their candles lit - just magical. Thank you goes to Reverend Jim and Revd. Nick for supplying us with all the oranges and sweets to enable all the children to make their own Christingles. The children looked all the more festive in their Christmas jumpers too. In the afternoon we enjoyed a tasty Christmas lunch in the hall - complete with log fire (on the big screen), Christmas music, festive place mats and crackers (thank you FoBs!)  If that wasn’t enough - I have also heard great things about the community carol concert in the church which is taking place on Wednesday 13th December and I am very much looking forward to it. If you haven’t already please put the date in your diary to join us!  With one final week to go before we break up for the Christmas holidays I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas with your friends and families from all of the staff at Buckland St Mary Primary School. We look forward to seeing you again for the start of the new year.  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A Message from Mr Morton Posted on: 14/07/2023

A Message from Mr Morton

As I write the final newsletter of the school year, I think back on all of the challenges and adventures that we, as a school, have faced and overcome this year. With each memory I can feel my smile growing wider. For every hardship there has been a happy ending and for every obstacle there has been a new route to discover and they have led us to new adventures.  It has been a privilege to have had the opportunity to return to the headship of Buckland St Mary C of E Primary School over the past two years. Our school is a special place and home to a wealth of marvellous minds and creative thinkers. Every child, parent, member of staff and member of our wider village community has made each day here special and filled my heart with memories of happiness. For that, I thank you all.  As the Year 6 children prepare for their next adventures into the big world of secondary school, I know that they will share my thoughts about our school and I know that they too have an abundance of happy memories to see them on their way. They are all amazing young individuals who are destined for greatness. Good luck Year 6 and we wish well. I must also, again, say a huge thank you and good luck to Mrs Lisa Rundle for her passion and commitment to our school. We will miss you very much. Come back and see us any time!  All that is left for me to say is thank you to everyone for everything that you have done for our school, our children and for our staff this year. You are all amazing people. Enjoy your summer break.  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
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