Posted on: 30/09/2022A Message from Mr MortonA warm and slightly rainy welcome back to school everyone. We hope that you have had a wonderful summer break filled with adventures and the occasional ice cream! Term is off to a great start and the children have settled into their new year groups and classes really well. The hum of learning language and the energy that is permeating throughout our whole school is electrifying. It is a treat to visit the classes and chat to the children about their learning and how well they can apply this to the wider world. Please keep an eye on our ‘Dates for the diary’ list that has been shared with you all as we have many exciting events that the children are participating in and many that we would love you to join us for. I look forward to catching up with you on the playground soon. Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
Posted on: 9/09/2022Queen Elizabeth IIWe are very sad to hear the news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II today. Our thoughts are with her family at this time. The Queen was an example to us all of public service, honour and dignity. Following the death of Her Majesty The Queen, The Redstart Learning Partnership and its 10 schools, at the expressed wish of His Majesty The King, will follow a period of Royal Mourning to be observed from now until the Queen's funeral (the funeral date to be confirmed). Mrs Suzanne Flack, CEO of The Redstart Learning Partnership (TRLP) will leave a floral tribute at the gates of Buckingham Palace on behalf of TRLP. Our schools will not be following any particular behaviours during this period however, there may be a number of changes to our planned events and communications. Schools will remain open and normal attendance will be expected. Special activities, assemblies and lessons may be adapted to reflect the period of national mourning. Books of condolence will be open at a number of our schools to commemorate the life of Her Majesty. May Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace and rise in glory.Categories: 1 CategorySchool News