Posted on: 11/11/2022A Message from Mr MortonWelcome back everyone. We hope that you had a delightful break. As always, our children have returned with a spring in their step and an enthusiasm to learn. What more can we ask of them? It was lovely to share all of the children’s progress with you during our parents’ evenings and what a delight to actually do them in person. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our art gallery evening last week. We are planning to display much of the children’s framed artworks in the school hall, once we can find a ladder tall enough and someone brave enough to climb it! The change of season into autumn brings a need for waterproof jackets, wellies, scarves and the start of the festive season. I can almost hear the rustle of tinsel on the angel costumes. We look forward to welcoming you into school to join us for many festive celebrations over the coming months and share a carol and mince pie or 2! Categories: 1 CategorySchool News