Posted on: 15/07/2019Buckland BoltOnline entries can be made online on the website Registration opens at 8.30am at school. The 5km race will start at the cricket pitch at 10am The 2km race will start at 10.05am The 10km race will begin at 10.30am The Facebook Event can be found here - 1 CategorySchool News
Posted on: 15/07/2019A message from Gareth NationA message from Gareth Nation 2018 - 2019 has been an incredibly busy and overall, successful year for Buckland St. Mary Primary School. Since the last newsletter, the children have had a variety of opportunities and experiences: a Year 3 Maths Quiz, Kilve residential, Transition Day and Volunteers Tea afternoon to name a few. As I watched the Year 6 children waite on the volunteers, I realised what role model pupils they are. Well done to all the staff at Buckland St. Mary and to all the volunteers for their efforts to ensure children leave Buckland as well rounded and independent children. Sports Day was a huge success. Thank you to everyone for coming along and supporting your children and to Miss Auton and the team for a wonderful afternoon. I thoroughly enjoyed my first sports day with you all. To end this year, I’d like to thank everyone for making me so welcome. I’m very much looking forward to working with you all in the new academic year and wish you a wonderful summer holiday. Categories: 1 CategorySchool News