

Trust wide policies and documents including our Scheme of Delegation, Annual Accounts and Reporting can be found on the Trust website

Paper copies are available on request.

Pupil/Parent Privacy Notice – please see the Trust Privacy Notice click here

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Policy - please see the Trust policy here


Please click on the drop down below to view our Trust-wide adopted documentation:


Trust-Wide Policies, statutory documents and key documentation

For Trust-wide policiesstatutory documents and key documentation please click on the linked wording to visit The Redstart Learning Partnership website.

The list of Trust Wide Policy Documents are:

  • TRLP Acceptable Use Policy
  • TRLP Admissions Policies & Procedures Sept 17 
  • TRLP Allegations Management Policy
  • TRLP Anti-harrassment and Bullying Policy
  • TRLP Asbestos Management plan
  • TRLP Charging and Remissions
  • TRLP Code of Conduct for safeguarding children (Staff version)
  • TRLP Code of Conduct for safeguarding children (Volunteer version)
  • TRLP Complaints Procedure & Guidance 
  • TRLP Expenses Policy Board and LAB members
  • TRLP Intimate Care Policy  
  • TRLP Intimate Care Procedure
  • TRLP Performance Management Policy 
  • TRLP Privacy Notice for Staff Records
  • TRLP Privacy Notice for Pupil Records
  • TRLP Recruitment & selection policy  
  • TRLP Teaching & Learning Policy 
  • TRLP Induction arrangements & support staff probation policy
  • TRLP Data protection Policy 
  • TRLP Publication Policy
  • TRLP Appraisal policy
  • Risk Management Strategy
  • TRLP Equalities Policy 
  • TRLP Maternity, paternity, adoption, parental leave, SPL policy 
  • TRLP Medical Conditions Policy  
  • TRLP Volunteers in School
  • TRLP Whistleblowing policy 
  • Keeping Children safe in Education 
  • Child Protection Policy

View our Trust Wide Policies 

Policies Date  
1.25 TRLP Complaints Procedure Guidance Final Signed DHC 09th Feb 2023 Download
3.1 Charging and Remissions Policy Final Signed DHC 2 09th Feb 2023 Download
4.11 Designated teacher for CLA Policy Final Signed DHC 12th Oct 2023 Download
6.2 TRLP Acessibility Policy BSM 12th Oct 2023 Download
6.3 TRLP Asbestos Management Policy BSM Final Signed DHC 1 12th Oct 2023 Download
ACE Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy- Buckland St Mary 05th Mar 2024 Download
Attendance Policy BSM 2021.docx 14th Jul 2022 Download
BSM Anti-Bullying Policy 16th Oct 2017 Download
BSM Attendance Policy CM 01st Feb 2021 Download
BSM Collective Worship Policy 29th Apr 2020 Download
BSM Covid Safeguarding Policy Jan 2021 14th Jan 2021 Download
BSM Equalities Policy 20th Jun 2022 Download
BSM Equalities Policy Final Signed DHC 27th Mar 2023 Download
BSM Positive Behaviour Policy Nov 22 22nd Nov 2022 Download
BSM RE Policy CM 01st Feb 2021 Download
BSM Safeguarding Policy 2023 24 Final Signed DHC 07th Sep 2023 Download
BSM SMSC Policy 28th Apr 2020 Download
BSM TRLP Anti Bullying. Child on Child Abuse Policy 24th Feb 2023 Download
BSM Uniform Policy Nov 2022 22nd Nov 2022 Download
Draft -SEND-Policy-Oct 22 23rd Nov 2022 Download
E Safety Policy 28th Feb 2023 Download
Education and Childcare Fees Policy 04th Nov 2022 Download
First Aid Policy Final Signed DHC 12th Oct 2023 Download
Health and Safety Policy 2024 24th Jul 2024 Download
Marking and Feedback CM 01st Feb 2021 Download
SEND Information Report January 2021 02nd Jul 2021 Download
SEND Policy November 2022 22nd Nov 2022 Download
TRLP Behaviour Policy Principles 17th Nov 2022 Download
TRLP E Safety Policy 28th Feb 2023 Download
TRLP Medical Policy 16th Nov 2022 Download
TRLP-SEND-Vision-Policy- 02nd Dec 2022 Download
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