Latest News- A Message from Mrs Staniland

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A Message from Mr Nation Posted on: 25/10/2019

A Message from Mr Nation

I have spent time in classes this term, teaching the children, watching them make progress in lessons and demonstrating our Chrisitan Values. I have to say that the children are very determined to do their best, which is lovely to see. A few weeks ago, a School Effectiveness Advisor from the Diocese of Bath and Wells came to visit Buckland School and she was impressed with the efforts and positive impact we’ve had on the children at Buckland this year. Well done to all the staff and children. The pupils have enjoyed their visits to church this term and put Rev. Jim through his paces with some really challenging questions! Well done and thank you Rev. Jim for welcoming us into church and working with us for our RE sessions. Our project based around ‘Changes’ has been a successful one. The work displayed in classes and in books identifies the hard work the children and staff have put into the project. Some classes have enjoyed making moulds of their teeth, seeing real (pig) lungs and a heart as well as sharing photos of themselves as babies and as they’ve grown.  I would like to thank those who came along and supported the Harvest Festival. It was lovely to see so many parents, family and loved ones in attendance. I’m sure you’ll agree that the children were all fantastic and showed such confidence and enthusiasm when performing to a large audience. Thank you everyone for your kind donations.  Mrs Rundle and Miss Cridland have been working with the School Council and the children have agreed to raise funds for CLIC. The School Council led Collective Worship, delivering some amazing and thought provoking presentations. Following the Collective Worship the children were asked to choose the charity most dear to them using their voting slip. My thanks to Mrs Blatcher and Mrs North for continuing to support the children whilst we attempt to recruit a new Forest School Leader. I understand the children now access a shorter session on a weekly basis, rest assured that such changes are considered in consultation with the staff team at Buckland and are agreed to benefit the children in our care. A huge thank you to FoBs and everyone involved for raising money to buy the children 10 Chrome Books - they’re a huge success!   Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A Message from Gareth Nation Posted on: 27/09/2019

A Message from Gareth Nation

The term is well underway! Children at Buckland St. Mary School have made a fantastic start to the school year and are demonstrating our core values: Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Perseverance, Courage and Tolerance. Classes are working hard on their project of ‘Change’. They’ve been taking part in a variety of activities, learning about the human body and changes in the world around us . The teachers devised this ‘Gateway’ based on the ‘Intent’ that was explored last academic year. Parents, staff and children all contributed their thoughts on what should form the foundations of learning at Buckland School to help prepare the children for the next stage of their lives. We are also sharing and embedding our revised Christian Vision: ‘That they may have life, life in all its fullness.' John 10:10 At Buckland St. Mary C of E Primary School everyone matters. We strive to be an inclusive community providing an outstanding education for all. Our lives are enriched through the teaching of Christian Values to grow as global citizens in an ever-changing world. The Ethos and Welfare Committee, staff and children all contributed towards this vision. Please support your child/children to understand its importance. It informs everything we do at Buckland St. Mary C of E School. What a fantastic start to 2019! As you may know, our After School Club is currently running on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:10 pm - 5:30 pm. To date, staff have supervised this on an ad-hoc basis and any attempts at recruitment have been unsuccessful. This provision is a supportive service to parents and something we wish to continue. To this end, if any parents (who are ideally already volunteers at the school), are interested in being paid to cover After School Club, please contact me at the earliest opportunity.Categories: 1 CategorySchool News

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