Latest News- A Message from Mrs Staniland
A Message from Mr Morton
It has been another exciting and rather jam packed half term of new experiences and educational adventures here at school. It is always a real privilege to be part of the learning journey that our children undertake each half term and I am always blown away by how they apply their skills and knowledge to find the answers and to make those connections that allow them to make sense of the wider world.
It is not just in school that we see our children flourish. Well done and thank you to all of the children who represented our school at the Trust Performing Arts day, held at The Brewhouse Theatre in Taunton. You sang your amazing hearts out and filled the theatre with music. I know that you all had a fantastic day and that the experience of standing on a stage in front of a live audience was equally as scary as it was memorable.
Please all have a safe, restful and joyous Easter break filled with family, celebrations and maybe some chocolate eggs! We look forward to welcoming you all back for our Summer Term on Tuesday 18th of April. Happy Easter everyone!
Steve Morton
Executive Head of School